Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire – 14-28 March 2022

Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire – 14-28 March 2022

Thank you for participating in the South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture - Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire.  This survey will only take a few minutes to complete and will help us to improve services and deliver programmes which best meet your needs and expectations.

Thanks again for participating in this survey.

Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire – 14-28 March 2022

1. How did you hear about South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (SLLC)?

1. How did you hear about South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture (SLLC)?

2. If you used our website how easy was it for you to find what you were looking for?

2. If you used our website how easy was it for you to find what you were looking for?

3. If you engaged with our social media pages, which pages did you follow? (tick all that apply)

3. If you engaged with our social media pages, which pages did you follow? (tick all that apply)

3a. Was the content appropriate?

3a. Was the content appropriate?

3b. if No, please give details?

3b. if No, please give details?

4. On your most recent visit to one of our facilities what was your reason for visiting (tick all that apply):

4. On your most recent visit to one of our facilities what was your reason for visiting (tick all that apply):

5. On your visit which of our services did you use (tick all that apply):

5. On your visit which of our services did you use (tick all that apply):

6. Following your visit how did you feel (tick all that apply):

6. Following your visit how did you feel (tick all that apply):

7. How satisfied were you with your overall experience during your visit?

7. How satisfied were you with your overall experience during your visit?

7a. Please give details?

7a. Please give details?

8. Would you recommend our services to a friend?

8. Would you recommend our services to a friend?

8a. Please give details?

8a. Please give details?

9. Why did you choose to visit an SLLC venue: (tick all that apply)

9. Why did you choose to visit an SLLC venue: (tick all that apply)

10. Post pandemic, have you discovered more about the services we offer that you weren’t aware of previously ?

10. Post pandemic, have you discovered more about the services we offer that you weren’t aware of previously ?

10a. If so will you use them again?

10a. If so will you use them again?

10b. Please give details

10b. Please give details

11. Any other comments you would wish to make to help improve our services (max 100 words):

11. Any other comments you would wish to make to help improve our services (max 100 words):

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South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Ltd is a recognised Scottish Charity, No. SC032549, VAT No. 997 3253 70