Customer Satisfaction Questionnaire – a little more in-depth

Customer satisfaction questionnaire - a little more in-depth

We would love to hear your views in more detail and would appreciate you answering a few additional questions –

Customer satisfaction questionnaire -
a little more in-depth

How helpful were our staff?

How helpful were our staff?

Were facilities clean and well presented?

Were facilities clean and well presented?

If you used any equipment, did it meet your expectations:

If you used any equipment, did it meet your expectations:

Yes -Excellent
OK - Average
Poor - Not what you would expect
a. Was it clean and well maintained?
b. Was the range and quality of equipment good?
c. Were you able to access equipment without waiting?

Did the quality of our coaching staff meet your expectations:

Did the quality of our coaching staff meet your expectations:

Yes -Excellent
OK - Average
Poor - Not what you would expect
a. Were coaching staff knowledgeable?
b. Were they available to offer support and assistance?
c. Did they explain and demonstrate the need to warm up/cool down before and after exercise?
d. If you attended a fitness class did the coach explain the intensity of the session and ability level for customers?
Enter into the prize draw
Thanks for completing this section of our survey. To enter into the prize draw please, please state that you are happy for your details to be stored on our survey site until after the prize draw. After which time, we will remove them.

I hereby give consent for my email address and name to be stored on this survey site, until the survey has been completed. After which time, I understand my details will be removed. If No, we can't enter you into our prize draw and ask that you don't enter your details below.

I hereby give consent for my email address and name to be stored on this survey site, until the survey has been completed. After which time, I understand my details will be removed. If No, we can't enter you into our prize draw and ask that you don't enter your details below.





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South Lanarkshire Leisure and Culture Ltd is a recognised Scottish Charity, No. SC032549, VAT No. 997 3253 70