SLLC Quarterly Survey

South Lanarkshire Leisure & Culture (SLLC) Customer Satisfaction Survey
Your thoughts and opinions are really important to us and we appreciate you taking the time to complete our survey which should take less than 5 minutes to complete. Thank you.

What was the purpose of your visit (select all that apply)

What was the purpose of your visit (select all that apply)

Following your visit how did you feel (tick all that apply)

Following your visit how did you feel (tick all that apply)

Did your visit have a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing, please rate on a scale of 1-10

Did your visit have a positive impact on your overall health and wellbeing, please rate on a scale of 1-10

How well did we perform during your visit on the following: *
Rating scale 1. Very poor 2. Poor 3. Fair 4. Good 5. Excellent

Cleanliness of facilities

Cleanliness of facilities

Staff performance

Staff performance

Value for money

Value for money

Quality of equipment / services

Quality of equipment / services

How well did we perform over all during your visit?

How well did we perform over all during your visit?

Which services have you taken part in?



Why did you choose SLLC?



How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or family? *

How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or family? *

Where did you hear about SLLC?



If you used our website or social media pages, please rate these services.
Rating scale 1. Very difficult 2. Difficult 3. Fair 4. Easy 5. Very easy

How easy it was for you to navigate our website?

How easy it was for you to navigate our website?

How easy was it to book services online?

How easy was it to book services online?

How easy do you find interaction with our social media pages?

How easy do you find interaction with our social media pages?